About Creative Potager

Have you ever wondered what makes an artist tick? Where do they get their ideas anyway? Maybe you are even curious about how painter Terrill Welch does what she does?

This blog will take you out into the field with Terrill Welch, leave you lurking inside the artist’s studio and send you off to the shows and exhibitions of her new work.

Terrill Welch’s posts feed an art collector’s gourmet palette. The blog posts bring the art buyer behind the scenes into the creative process of the work the buyer has or is about to purchase.

With half a life time of creative adventures behind her, Terrill Welch’s paintings are collected world wide. Her work is in collections with such renown historic Canadian landscape artists as Emily Carr, A. Y. Jackson and Lawren Harris.

However, she lives a very unassuming life on Mayne Island off the southwest coast of Canada. This Creative Potager blog will take you with her as she goes about her artistic work. Sometimes she may have a question or two for you. Others times the post will be more of a show and tell. Either way, a good visit will commence with each reading and a grand conversations will be had by all. Do drop in unannounced. Do stay as long as you like. And do feel free to jump into the conversation at any hour of the day or night.

© Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share material from this Blog in whole or in part for non-commercial use, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link and email link. Please also notify me where the material will appear.

The attribution should read:

“By Terrill Welch. Terrill Welch is a painter. To learn more, feel free to browse through her https://creativepotager.wordpress.com site.”

To publish or purchase any of the work on this site, please contact Terrill directly at

email: tawelch@shaw.ca phone: 1-250-744-4560

More in brief about Terrill Welch https://creativepotager.wordpress.com/about-terrill-welch/

Full ARTIST Biography https://creativepotager.wordpress.com/artist-biography/


ArtWork Archive original paintings and acrylic sketches

Redbubble photography and painting prints and merchandise

And by appointment at Terrill Welch’s home studio

Terrill Welch Artist website at http://terrillwelchartist.com

45 thoughts on “About Creative Potager

  1. Hi Terrill,
    The question format is a great idea and suggests to me that you really understand creativity. By asking a question, you trigger the brain to solve a problem and it will work on the question and return the answer. I guess you know this though!

    • Greta thank you for dropping in. Yes, it is true I have learned that finding the right answer is not nearly as important as finding the right question. I think this is true in general and extremely helpful to encourage creativity.

      Many Creative Potager readers have let me know that the question provides them with way into the blog post – an invitation to participate. Some readers have taken more than a day to ponder a sprout question before they come by to leave a response.

  2. I just recommended your blog to StumbleUpon, having found you as a link from another blog, and being absolutely DELIGHTED with your writing, art, photography, and spirit. What a breath of fresh air! THANK YOU.

    • Sydnee thank you! I am only somewhat aware of StumbleUpon. I appreciate your sharing. Your blog The Light Fields is a gem… feels like striking a vain of gold. I know several readers that will want to drop in to your exquisite posts about “nature and the soul, explored through photography.” Welcome to Creative Potager. I have added you to my blogroll and look forward to many hours of enjoyable rich and inspiring reads.

  3. Pingback: Abandoned at Reef Bay | Creativepotager's Blog

  4. No matter who you are or what you do – creativity is the emerald of your success.

    I agree!!!!! so… u should check out my site called Social Muze, for creative minds! You can access it thru the Creative Playground tab on my blog. I hope u will at least take a peak! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Critical information for sale of three original Terrill Welch oil paintings « Creativepotager's Blog

  6. Hi
    I just found your blog this evening- enjoying reading about who you are and seeing your work etc. I live in CT but my daughters attend UBC- I grew up in NS! I am also a painter and new blogger. Could you take a moment to visit my website and leave a comment on my cartoon blog- I am still learning how to put blogs I like on my front page! Canada sure is a beautiful country- I also appreciate the infor on Art of Day- congrat. on your sales. With two in college I would love to sell my art online but have yet to do so. I am so glad to find this site from a fellow Cdn-

    • Thank you Brenda and pleased to meet you! Your cartoons and paintings are awesome. I have commented on your latest post and would be happy to chat about what seems to work for me in creating an online art community.

  7. Pingback: HEAVY CLOUD original oil painting by Terrill Welch « Creativepotager's Blog

  8. Hi Terrill: Thanks for finding me on Twitter! Twitter has led me to some amazing people!

    I’ve enjoyed perusing your blog. You have such a sense of calm. I live in a peaceful place, but sometimes the demands of the day leave me feeling anything but calm. I must work harder to see that my intentions become reality, because serenity without worry is certainly my primary intention.

    Be well,

    • Please to connect Doreen. Funny how we creative beings seem to find each other and support our ability to find peace within those long and often overwhelming “to do” lists. Glad you could drop by.

  9. Terrill, your photo´s are great,your paintings are great too,you´re obviously multi talented.One or two questions if i may, what do you use, Acrylics or oils for you´re paintings,brush or pallette,paper or canvas? I only ask because you´re paintings remind me so much of my mothers work in her early days of painting(i grew up in a family of painters,dancers and musicians)!The musician (father, has passed on to the other world, jazz musicians in the sky !). The ballet dancer and painter, (my mother), are still here at 96 years old but painting days are over and my sister paints to put on her walls and give to friends.
    Coming from Spain,I like the name of your house.
    I enjoy your posts very much,Regards Adrian

    • Adrian you ask such good questions! I paint in water miscible oil paints on canvas and on gessobord. I use both brush, pallette knife and whatever else is handing to make a mark with with paint. I can see you come from a very creative family and I can imagine you do like the name of our house:) Just so you know your wordpress blog link did not work so I am unable to meander over and check out your work – which I would dearly love to do. Please, if get a chance drop by and leave a link in a comment.

  10. I’ve added you site to what will be a rotating monthly blog recommendation. I think your photography and paintings are wonderful.

  11. Hi Terrill
    I took your book home from the Vanderhoof library, what a nice trip to the ocean.
    I remember you from Vanderhoof from long ago.
    You mentioned two of my teachers; Sheila Timmons, who taught me that it is possible to be an artist in northern BC and Glenn Howarth, who gave me confidence in my drawing.
    What a nice book. I love your paintings!

    • Annerose I remember you well. In fact I still believe I still have a book on my bookshelf that you illustrated. I am not surprised that you took classes with Sheila Timmons but where did you take classes with Glenn Howarth? How wonderful that we have both of these connections in common! Thank you for your generous feedback about my book and my paintings. I am so glad you were able to have a good close look at it and that you dropped by to say “hello.” I find it very pleasant when lives seem to keep crossing paths in this sort of gentle encouraging way. Do you have a weblink or blog to any of your recent work? I would love to see if you do.

    • Thank you Linda and “no experience” shooting at night might be going a little too far as I tend to be a low light land and seascape photographer. But it is true I have little experience with full night photography and I am going to make an effort to learn.

    • Thank you Leanne for the mention and the recognition. As you may know, I am most appreciative when these kinds of awards come my way but I respectful decline as time and motivation to participate is lacking on my end. Thank you again though and all the best with your blog and congratulations on receiving the Liebster Award!

  12. Hi Terrill. I’ve been a big fan of yours ever since discovering your site. I have an odd request. Yesterday I was looking at your paintings and photographs online and discovered “Skin to skin” which I absolutely loved. It happens my next blog post scheduled for tomorrow is featuring some poetry I wrote about childbirth, and I would love to be able to feature your photograph with the poetry. It would include a link to whichever site you wanted to be used, and info about your blog and work in a note. Please let me know if I can use it. If not, I totally understand–just had to ask.

    • Yes of course Deborah! This is exactly the kind of sharing I encourage. I believe you can use the url option on wordpress to get the image but if that doesn’t work let me know and I will email you a copy.

        • What I usually do is put a link below the photograph to indicate where it can be purchased and then from there either Creative Potager at https://creativepotager.wordpress.com/ or Terrill Welch Artist at http://terrillwelchartist.com/ depending on what is appropriate and fits best with what you are writing. Creative Potager is my visiting blog home while Terrill Welch Artist is more just profiling new work and to direct people to where they can purchase paintings and photographs. Thank you Deborah for your interest in my work and sharing it with your readers. Very much Appreciated.

  13. Pingback: November Studio Tour held at the Terrill Welch Gallery | Creative Potager

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