Mayne Island May Day Celebrations

Mayne Island May Day celebrations on Saturday were an amazing colourful and entertaining event where a mime artist helps us wait for the fun to start

children grow wings for the day,

a queen is crowned with a garland wild flowers,

adult cloths are layers of frolicking miss-match

and shoes go missing as the community dances together in circles

while all is softly punctuated with very short greetings from our federal MP the Honourable Elizabeth May.

But what is this Mayne Island celebration with its dancing around the May Pole and organized each year by the Mayne Island Conservancy ?

I could tell you but a Mayne Island musical group Jaiya has an incredibly detailed post that will fill your cup with delightful details.

There are more of my photographs for your viewing pleasure in my smugmug album that is dedicated to this event.

Also, our good friend and writer  Leanne Dyck has a special post that has a photo-essay of even more about what was happening on this special Mayne Island day.

Happy May long weekend  from Mayne Island, British Columbia Canada!

SPROUT: If you could come to the Mayne Island May Day celebrations next year what will you be wearing? 

© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

16 thoughts on “Mayne Island May Day Celebrations

  1. Terrill – Forget the pomp and circumstance, this is a royally grand time for everyone — adult and child alike! I love the eye-popping colors!

    I’m going to follow the links next…

    SPROUT: If you could come to the Mayne Island May Day celebrations next year what will you be wearing?

    I’d dress like Peter Pan in sugar snap pea green, pointy-toed shoes, and a feather stuck jauntily in my ever-so-clever cap!

    • I think you would make a perfect Peter Pan Laurie! You are right it is a most grand time and one that warms a person clean through! When it was all over and I had a chance to sit down and edit the photographs I was amazed by the natural genuine relax smiles on peoples faces. They kept me happily working until 1:00 am even though I knew I had to be up and at another photography engagement with a friend by 8:00 am the next morning.

  2. Oh how fun and nothing beats a community coming to gather and gether….I just loved the pictures and will follow through on all the links…

    I am just back from SFSU and watching my oldest receive honors for her Master’s thesis and writing – pretty good for a computer geek, math person…I heard 25 – 2 minute speeches by the faculty of her college and they were marvelous and inventive and talked a great deal about integrity…my head was full and filled and my thinking was kick started.

    What would I wear? Ladybugs ( symbol of woman recreating herself) 🙂

    • A Ladybug costume would be perfect and much loved at this festival Patricia. I am so glad you got go to see your daughter’s graduation. I a personally not fond of these events but am always glad when it is over and I have attended.

  3. What a festive occasions, colorful costumes and an infectious spirit! And mimes that remind me of Marcel Carne’s French masterpiece CHILDREN OF PARADISE! The Mayne Island denizens surely know how to celebrate, and they have given a new meaning to the term ‘event.’ It’s heartening to see this kind of merry-making! In dress I am conservative, so I’d stick to the status quo! LOL!

    • In that case you will have to become my photographer’s assistant for the day Sam! 😉 It is most fun and one of the things I love the most is how simple it is to have so much fun.

    • In that case you will have to become my photographer’s assistant for the day Sam! 😉 It is most fun and one of the things I love the most is how simple it is to have so much fun.

  4. Pingback: Elena; Moonrise Kingdom; Oslo, August 31st; and stage play ‘The Caretaker’ by Harold Pinter on Tuesday Morning Diary (May 29) « Wonders in the Dark

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