Mayne Island Backyard Bandit Capers



Mayne Island is a quite rather bucolic southern Gulf Island off the west coast of Canada. But this island has also been known to have its share of mischief. There are roving masked bandits during the night that frequently get up to no good. It is worth keeping an eye out for them just to be on the safe side. Let’s see if I can assist you in knowing what you are looking for. Ah yes, here comes one now…

“Who me?” she says.

Yes you! We are talking about you Miss Curious Cat.

“Well how interesting” she softly growls.

But then she thinks “what else could I possibly expect with such frequent trips through their property?”

“Lovely evening isn’t it?” and she almost smiles before looking farther up the tree to make sure the children safe.

Three of these are hers and one is the baby of a good friend of hers who is guarding the bottom of the tree and too hidden by the underbrush to get an identifying mugshot. The tree is like a raccoon hotel at the moment with the guests swinging from the rafters.

I suspect that they stopped at the compost fruit and salad bar before coming up because they sure know how to be entertaining and silly. Raccoon tail hat anyone?


If you do see any of this masked bandits do keep your distance. These photographs were taken with a telephoto lens so you can get good look at them. They may look cute but are fierce and can be aggressive if cornered. If you note those powerful back legs it is easy to see why they can spring a good distance to attach if they feel threatened or their young are in danger.

SPROUT: Who have you recently caught roaming around your yard at night?


© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at


Stormy Sky over the Belle Chain

I was chasing the supermoon across the Gulf Islands sky on evening. These clouds were in my way as the last light caught the Belle Chain which is a string of small islands at the horizon line where the sea lions gather. I could hear their barking conversation as the sky rolled in its majestic glory.

Now that the two art shows of my work are up, the Farm Gate Store spring series greeting cards have arrived (more on this in the next post) and the garden is planted I really must get some of these up and in an album for you on my smugmug and redbubble storefront. Soon!

SPROUT: What sound recently completed a picture for you?

© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

From Moonlight to Nomads Essentials

On Mayne Island we are flexible. We can go from shooting the moon to finding natural solutions for smelly feet in one blog post. Not bad eh?

First, allow me to welcome all the new people who have subscribed to Creative Potager as a result of “Mayne Island Super moon on May 5 2012” being Freshly Pressed yesterday.  It is a pleasure to have you join our creative community.

So now back to smelly feet. Well, not really smelly feet but it is one of the many things you might want to discuss with the owner of Nomads Essentials, Barbara McIntyre, here on Mayne Island off the southwest coast of Canada.

Some of you may remember that Barbara has shared the space with me to show our photography at the Green House Bar and Grill for the past 1.5 years. But even if you don’t remember, that is okay because I do. I also remember that it was with her encouragement that put my work up in this venue. Now she is off on a new adventure and I want to be the first to share it with you. Welcome to her new store located on the right side of The Root Seller Inn in downtown Miners Bay.

Isn’t it just gorgeous!?

Nomads Essentials will have its grand opening on Saturday May 12, 2012 between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm

Barbara is the most warm, caring and giving person who I am overjoyed to call my friend. She is often making things upside down right

particularly when it comes to  the “Four Rs” of reduce, reuse, recycle or refuse. This is not always an easy task when providing body and home products designed for the contemporary nomad. But she does it with a creative flare many would envy. She views her new store as she does herself – a work in progress.

Barbara as you might guess is not new to providing us with her artisan products. My first purchase of Barbara’s wares goes back several years and it was a bar of her handmade soap. Sometimes I get one in fancy gift wrapping if it is for a present.

But if it is for me, I get it start up with one small band of recyclable paper identity card.

Out of curiosity, I asked what was her best seller?  I was sure the answer would be her bath salts but I was wrong. It is her Reclined Bed Freshener.

Yes, I did bring home some to try.

But what about sore muscles from hiking or kayaking around the Gulf Islands?

Chapped Lips from the sun and sea breeze?

Moths in the closet where you store your best outdoor wool sweater for watching the sunset over at the lighthouse?

Or chocolate that is delicious but won’t melt in your pocket on a warm day clambering up to the view from Henderson Hill?

Or huh-hum… those smelly feet as they exit your summer sandals?

I promise you that Barbara can fulfill almost any nomads essential needs for body, mind and spirit. Speaking of spirit, I was most amazed at how Barbara’s photography shows up as part of her signature being when displayed in an environment where she has carefully chosen the colours for Nomads Essentials.

Just beautiful!

As you can see,  we are very flexible here on Mayne Island as we go from moonlight to smelly feet to  twinkle toes. Now you will have everything you need to come along with me on my next photo shoot. Oh! Better bring your camera. I didn’t notice any at Nomads Essentials. But then again, I am sure I didn’t notice everything. It is always good to leave a thing or two for others to discover 😉

Thank you Barbara for allowing me to share your new store with Creative Potager and I wish you all the best with this new adventure. Warm hugs as always and we shall see you again on Saturday at the grand opening of Nomads Essentials!

SPROUT: What are your personal nomadic essentials?

© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

Second Hanging – this time at the Green House Bar and Grill

A hanging of small proportions happened on May 2, 2012 at the Green House Bar and Grill. No it is not an act of violence on quiet Mayne Island this week but rather the unveiling of the second exhibit of my art work. This time it is a new collection of fourteen of my small photography prints and oil paintings.

Before I take you for a stroll around the restaurant to see what is here, let me introduce you to Shawn who prepared me the most delicious grilled salmon with green salad for lunch. Hanging a new show is hungry work you know 😉 Standing beside Shawn is the owner of the Green House Bar and Grill, Gerry McCulloch, who will serve you up a smile before you even have time to sit down.

So be ready for it should you have the chance to grace this warm and friendly establishment here on our small island. Now how about we have a look around?

These seven here are the main part of the show…

The two smallest oil paintings are only 5 x 7 inches. There is room for one of these in almost any suitcase, backpack or even a bicycle saddlebag. For those that are far way, the other three oil paintings shown here can be purchased from the Artsy Home Online Gallery. But for the little wee ones you will have to email me directly to inquire until I get a chance to get them included with the others.

Here is a couple more small oil paintings….

Again, the little one at the bottom is not listed in the online gallery yet. Soon, I promise but not yet.

And a couple of photography prints…

Most of the photographs in this showing are from my 2012  Earth Day Celebration collection and can be purchased in various formats and sizes from a special album on  smugmug HERE. This collection includes some of my personal favourite of recent images of Mayne Island and neighbouring Gulf Islands.

Another  small window to the sea over in the corner…

And here are the final two photography prints…

These piece will be shown until about mid July if you are on Mayne Island and want to stop in for nice meal and have a closer look.

Some places just feel like all the best parts of being at home. The Green House Restaurant is one of these places. It is a true honour and a privileged to have my paintings and photography prints contributing to this experience.

However, you may notice that the beautiful photographs of my colleague Barbara McIntyre are missing. This is the result of yet another hanging on Mayne Island that will be opening on May 12, 2012. On Tuesday, I am planning taking us behind the yellow tape so we can be some of the first to scene. Until then my friends may you have a chance to see the supermoon this evening while enjoying the simple and good things your life has to offer.

SPROUT: If you were going to do a creative hanging where would you most likely to perform the act and who would you invite to the scene?

© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

And so we shall sleep – Earth Day April 22

When the evening light gets low it is as if the earth is reminding us to go to sleep. But Earth Day is a time I like to be wide awake. Earth Day is celebrated this Sunday April 22.

As I looked at this image this morning, I am pondering and thinking about what it is I can contribute this year to this very important day. My conclusion is that I shall make accessible 12 high-resolution images for personal use that celebrate my relationship to our glorious earth. I chose the number 12 as it would be one photograph for each month of the year.

What do you think? Does this sound like a good idea? Would you like this?


All the best of the weekend to you!


© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

Edge of the Storm

There was another wind warning yesterday. It didn’t amount to much. Sometimes this happens because Mayne Island is often on the edge of a storm as it sits where the swirly marks on the weather report change directions. But after the last storm we need some more butane for the little heater and cooking element. It is always best to be prepared. We are also low on groceries so I venture out – with my camera too of course.  When I am done my chores I  go to our favourite beach and see what I can see even though there is a light rain, a good wind and visibility ceiling is low.  Yike!

I don’t think we will be going to sit out on the sandstone rocks today either.

(image available for purchase HERE)

Well that is enough of that! The rain is trying to blow into the lens hood and it is not particularly pleasant out here. Time to go make a hot cup of tea and nibble on that fresh Farm Gate Store bran and apricot muffin. I may muse awhile about the packages of seeds and spring plants I saw at the Hardware Store for awhile as well.  It seems to be the best sign of spring we have seen for days. Oh, I guess I could work on packaging up the paper work for our taxes too. Hum. Let’s have tea and think about it.

Sprout: What seems so near but is far off on your creative horizon?

P.S. seems to be some trouble replying directly from email notices today. My apologies. I have checked the settings and everything seems to be in order. Hopefully the issue if fixed soon.

But this might help to make you feel at least a little better….

BROWSE THE WHOLE BOOK! For the next 48 hours you can browse my whole book PRECIOUS SECONDS – MAYNE ISLAND IN PAINTINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS plus I made it available on standard paper lowered the profit to $2.00 from $5.00 over the production price – creating a nice savings if you have had this on you wish list. Things will go back to usual pricing with a 15 page preview on Saturday morning. Make that cup of tea and enjoy!

© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

When the Wind Howls

When the wind howls in the big voice of the southeasterly through our valley we listen all right. Well, I listen. David seems to be able to sleep through most anything, except me jumping every time a branch or fir cone is slammed onto our tin roof.

Such was our Sunday evening when I first heard the whipping of the branches. I listened. I got up and checked for a Mayne Island wind warning. Sure enough:

Southeasterly winds up to 80 km/h will spread to East Vancouver Island, Southern Gulf Islands, Greater Victoria and the Sunshine Coast early Monday morning.

The Southern Gulf Islands is us. The Weather Network confirmed what I already knew. We were in for a bit of weather. I send out a note here and there to let people know I may be off line due to power outages. You see, it has to do with these big fir trees that get blow around like reeds of grass in these storms. With the heavy rains we have been having the earth is soft and then against their best efforts over they go onto the power lines.

I head back to bed, sleeping lightly until about 5:00 am when the winds are really getting carried into a frenzy. The chair on the deck gets knocked over, cardboard boxes from my prints are flying around and it sounds like the roof is getting hit with machine gun blasts of debris. But the electricity is still on. I get up, make coffee and post my painting in our G+ with Brushes group gallery. The lights are flickering and my fingers rush. At 5:50 am the room goes dark. The winds continues to howl. I call down from the loft to David to turn on the battery lamp that is by the bed so I can see to get back down the stairs. I take it from him to read until daylight. He rolls over and begins to snore. I want to shake him! But I don’t. I take up vigil in the grandpa chair in the great room reading and wait for the soft light of dawn and the storm to end. Daylight comes and the storm continues.

Eventually, I notice someone is up trying to find breakfast while keeping one eye on the sky for falling objects.

She is braver than me. I wouldn’t want to be out there.

After a nice long sleep-in David finally gets up and decides he just has to have toast for breakfast. No problem.

In the early afternoon the rains come and I know the storm has about blew herself out. After awhile the rains stop and the mist starts to roll its beauty through the trees.

An eagle rests quietly. I exhale and say to self – well that wasn’t so bad. It is the same thing I say after having dental work.

We listen to CBC public radio on our excellent emergency transistor and hear that the winds reached 100 km/h and other than a roof being blown off in Campbell River, 300 marine emergency calls, ferries had been cancelled and tens of  thousands of people  without power, all is well. I make hamburger stew for supper and we visit by candlelight in the quiet.

Sometime during the night the power comes back on and David volunteers to get up and turn off all the lights we had switched on absent-mindedly during the day when they were not working. Then I sleep – really sleep, until the moon is shining in the window at 6:00 am this morning. Making toast is a little less like camping this morning.


SPROUT: How do you weather a creative storm? 



© 2012 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

A Friendly Farm Gate Chat

Dear readers, how would you like to go shopping with us today? Remember, I can see when you roll your eyes. I promise it will be a shopping trip like no other you have likely been on recently. Today is the opening of Mayne Island’s Farm Gate store.

Farm Gate is the dream and shared vision of Don and Shanti McDougall who own and operate Mayne Island’s Deacon Vale Farm. Striving for local, organic and the best ingredients, the Farm Gate Store experience is about getting beyond either or thinking. When you have a love for food and community like the McDougalls this is no surprise.

At  the storefront we stopped to look at a great new sculpture by local artist and cob home expert Pat Hennebery.

Here we are at the Farm Gate store’s side entrance. A family has arrived ahead of us on bicycles to Mayne Island’s newest food place at the edge of the woods.

We are thinking maybe we will go by bicycle next visit. As we go inside we are greeted warmly by friends and neighbours and the store owners alike.

There are no strangers at the Farm Gate Store. Only new friends.

Customers decide between all of the quality choices local to “the islands” and British Columbia and a few exceptional import goods.

Locally, in our northern hemisphere, this time of year there are mostly  kale, mushrooms and a few greens and winter vegetables.

And please don’t tell anyone but I dislike kale. I know that is not very back-to-earth of me but I just can’t help it. To have the best eco-friendly variety and a balanced diet is to eat what is local, organic and in season closest to us.

Okay, so opening morning, one hour after being oriented on a new check out system that has just been installed, can be a little daunting. Though the learning curve is steep for the tellers, even young customers are happy to chill.

After all, this is the event of our day – no need to rush out the door to plant the spring peas. They will wait.

So let’s see some of the things we brought home. I have laid them out on a Deacon Vale Farm apron I was given in the check out line up.

I did not need a gift for waiting but I shall treasure it for its thoughtfulness and to remember the pleasure of opening day at the Farm Gate Store. We mostly bought celebratory foods. Partly because we know we can go back again for “a real shop” and partly because today truly was to celebrate. We wanted to have a friendly Farm Gate chat to welcome the Farm Gate Store as neighbours to neighbours.

Hum, I suppose I must confess that the hippie chip purchase was mostly for their name …… but they are also delicious!

See was I right? Are you not glad you came shopping with us today? If you are interested, there are more photos and information on the Farm Gate Store Facebook page.

Three cheers for community supported agriculture! Remember, the closer the greens are from the garden to your plate the more tasty goodness.

Sprout question: What locally grown foods feed your creativity?

Introducing Terrill Welch’s Online Gallery at

© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

The Breath of Stones

Stones find their way into pockets, onto windowsills, or making a path in the garden. They hold my gaze when their weathered washed shapes appear in clusters. It could be a stream, lake shore or the ocean. I feel a deep resonance to their various sizes, colours and textures.

This week my underpaintings are ready for completion. I have the larger 24 X 48 inch and two smaller 8 X 8 inch. Maybe the little ones shall be paintings of stones – the patterns and how the earth breathes through their presences.


Sprout question: Where might we find your most inspiring stones?


© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada


Dawn at the Pier

Well, my underpaintings do not look very promising this week. I may or may not get time to work on them later today. So please don’t have high expectations tomorrow when I post the results. Sometimes creativity is like that. I tell myself there is learning to be had and just keep going. I also look back on other work that has been successful to boost my ability to be brave and bold and take the next step.

For today, I have been thinking about an image that I took early in the morning on New Year’s day. This pier is in Bennett Bay on Mayne Island. I have various images of it but this has to be my favourite. Enjoy.

(image may be purchased here.)

It is a quiet photograph the invites rather than excites. Today this seems just right.

Sprout question: What do you do when your creativity doesn’t meet your expectation?

© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne Island, British Columbia, Canada