Make the Most of It

The morning had got off to a bad start. I went to put luggage in the truck parked on Arbutus Way after staying over night in Victoria. On the windshield was a $75.00 parking ticket because of… Alleged infraction 220. No Person May Park Or Leave A Veh in A Park Except For The Bona Fide Purpose of Visiting The Park.

The street sign did not say I couldn’t park in that spot overnight which was a through street from downtown at the edge of the park.  The signage said nothing about park use parking only. The sign said I could park for 3.5 hours between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm. Like the other streets around it, I assumed the limit ended at 6:00 pm and night parking with no time limit until 7:00 am began. I was $75.00 worth of wrong.  I felt like I had been unfairly tricked. I could likely argue the ticket but it just seems such a waste of my time. I decided I will pay and tag the City of Victoria in my post instead. After all, my arguing, even if I win, won’t help someone else from making the same mistake. But my blog post might.

Adding to this minor insult the day was heavy with cloud and gloom.

(image may be purchased here.)

But we didn’t let any of it get to us and spoil our fun. We made faces and laughed as we walked and took a break on the park bench for the baby to nurse.

You got it! We were visiting the newest grandson Isaac who is now 7 weeks old.

Now isn’t that a happy grandpa for you?

Giving him lots love.

Looking into this face who wouldn’t feel like the sun was shining and they didn’t have a care in the world?

Who cares about the City of Victoria and their silly old parking tickets or the heavy clouds over our head? Not us. It matters not one smidgen! We are making the most of it!

Sprout Question: When was the last time you made to most of it?

SPECIAL NOTICE: There will be no Creative Potager post on Monday. It is Canadian Thanksgiving and I shall be away visiting the other two grandsons while David keeps the home fires burning.

But we shall have an extra special post on Tuesday with a guest interview appearance with Jeff Stroud. Please do stop by then and say hello.

AND the second part of Leanne Dyck’s interview with me will be up tomorrow morning at THE SWEATER CURSE.

Best of the weekend everyone and happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers.

© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

From Mayne  Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

Meet Baby Isaac

Most of you know by now that we have a new grandson born August 15th to Amalia, David’s eldest daughter, and her husband Fede. Because I was traveling we had to wait until this Wednesday before we could slip over to Victoria and be introduced. Weighing in at 8 pounds 10 ounces at birth, Isaac Graziano has never looked back and is now over 9 pounds of warm, soft, relaxed and cuddly baby boy.

David offered up “the holding” to me. Lucky me! I sure didn’t hesitate more than a second. Yes!

and Fede grabbed my camera to capture the moment for us.

You may or may not remember that Fede is Federico Vanoli and a professional photographer and took the photographs at my daughter’s wedding last summer. He now has a website with some of his fine art photography.

Of course, I wasn’t shy about taking a few precious photographs of my own for my brag-post here on Creative Potager as well!

Fede is just a natural baby whisperer…

Look at that contentment!

Amalia was taking a needed baby-holding-break while we were there so we have to wait until another visit to capture the two of them together.

There you go – a nice new-born baby fix to start the weekend!

Speaking of the weekend, my thoughts are with those you on the east coast of the U.S.A. as you evacuate and brace for Hurricane Irene. I know some of you are in its direct path. May you be safe.

Sprout question: When was the last time you held the floppy wonder of a newborn?

© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

FromMayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at