Meet Baby Isaac

Most of you know by now that we have a new grandson born August 15th to Amalia, David’s eldest daughter, and her husband Fede. Because I was traveling we had to wait until this Wednesday before we could slip over to Victoria and be introduced. Weighing in at 8 pounds 10 ounces at birth, Isaac Graziano has never looked back and is now over 9 pounds of warm, soft, relaxed and cuddly baby boy.

David offered up “the holding” to me. Lucky me! I sure didn’t hesitate more than a second. Yes!

and Fede grabbed my camera to capture the moment for us.

You may or may not remember that Fede is Federico Vanoli and a professional photographer and took the photographs at my daughter’s wedding last summer. He now has a website with some of his fine art photography.

Of course, I wasn’t shy about taking a few precious photographs of my own for my brag-post here on Creative Potager as well!

Fede is just a natural baby whisperer…

Look at that contentment!

Amalia was taking a needed baby-holding-break while we were there so we have to wait until another visit to capture the two of them together.

There you go – a nice new-born baby fix to start the weekend!

Speaking of the weekend, my thoughts are with those you on the east coast of the U.S.A. as you evacuate and brace for Hurricane Irene. I know some of you are in its direct path. May you be safe.

Sprout question: When was the last time you held the floppy wonder of a newborn?

© 2011 Terrill Welch, All rights reserved.

Liberal usage granted with written permission. See “About” for details.

Purchase photography at

Creative Potager – where imagination rules. Be inspired.

FromMayne Island, British Columbia, Canada

Terrill Welch online Gallery at

28 thoughts on “Meet Baby Isaac

  1. Terrill – Oh what a handsome young man. I love the combination of both color and black and white photos that you selected to share with us. The third one — the one of you, and smiling Isaac, is my favorite. Absolutely fantastic!

    I do remember that Fede is a professional photographer and one of my favorite photographs from the wedding was a black and white photo with a red umbrella! I’m glad to know that he has a website now — I will be sure to visit it.

    Sprout question: When was the last time you held the floppy wonder of a newborn?

    Part of what I do at HolEssence includes “Bodywork for the childbearing year” — the first nine months being baby in utero. As such, I attend many births as a labor coach. It is, by far (head and shoulders above the rest) my favorite offering. Just two weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the birth of Adalyn. Next client baby is due September 16th, and the one after that is due October 29th. Keep ’em coming!

  2. I love the smile on his face with you holding him! He is absolutely gorgeous. Such a wise little face. Congratulations to the whole family!

    The last time for me was April 2009. She is our first grandchild in over twenty years! So in many ways it’s all new again. What fun!

    • Thank you Martha. What I find is some of the biggest changes are what we do with our babies…. now they are to sleep on their back. Though what I notice is babies are often held more in front carriers and are sleeping upright on their stomach next to mom or dad. Pretty nice life if you can get it! I find my daughter’s, step-daughters and daughter-in-law are well educated and super well connected with each other and their friends. It has made it easy for me to be “grandma” and leave most of the worrying to the parents. Plus, they all have husbands who are active full-participating parents. A very nice bonus 🙂

  3. Lovely little rabbit! That is either a lovely smile or the removal of some gas on your shoulder there! Welcome to the world Isaac!

    Sprout: Oh not for some time now, but it’s always a lovely experience to have bambino around.

    • Oh who knows Pea but at this early age it is is either gas or something quite unconscious. And this little guy is very much a bambino. His dad is Italian born and raised in Italy and his mom is half Italian from Canadian parents.

    • Thank you Mary and no I don’t hardly ever paint people or children… in fact, I often even forget to take photographs of people. I do have one watercolour painting with my birth children in it from when they were about seven and ten years old. But my daughter always clarifies that it is an “impression” of them rather than a detailed painting. She is right but I love that painting and it has never been for sale. Sometime maybe I will photograph it to share here. It is under framed and under glass so not all that easy to do.

  4. Beautiful surrenderd LOVE in form. What a great start to my weekend Terrill. Thank you so very much. The last time I held this much heaven in my hands was 2000 when my friend Margaret gave birth to Curtis, a heavenly ball of love/light. Today my dear friend Margaret hangs in the balance between beating brain cancer and. . . .well, Margaret has Curtis and so she WILL pervail.

    New life is such ecstacy!!

  5. Oh thank you for sharing such a lovely new life with us – and your photographs are just wonderful – I so liked the picture of the double smiles…sweet.

    will check out this links..

    I am going to take a week off from blogging – I just need to put some other things higher on the list this week and I could certainly use a bit of play…I will be back

  6. Pricelss photos. Indellible images. Eternal Joy. Memories of a lifetime.

    All converge here in typical David Colussi and Terrill Welch fashion. You have a big brood, that always seemed to getting bigger, and their involvement in your life and work is an inspiration to allk who know you. The love and the proud glances are ingrained in every frame. I wish you all happiness forever.

    • Thank you Sam for your kind words and observations. I do enjoy family time. It always seems to go by quickly with all us scatter around and having to travel to visit. But as you can see, we make the most of it.

  7. Thank you! I’ve been lurking here for awhile, enjoying the serenity of your work and the way you portray the simplicity of everyday life. I find this blog to be a wonderful quiet cove of sorts in the vast noisy ocean of the internet. Thank you for that…we all need it, and I’m lucky enough to find it here. Have a happy day!

    • How wonderful Jimelle! I am glad you came out for the edges and joined in. Thank you for the feedback too. Your welcome to join in anytime. If you have been lurking you will know (but I will say it again anyway) that I encourage readers to include relevant links to their work in comments as well. I find this adds a richness and depth to our conversation and ability to get to know each other. A nice practice as we take refuge in our quiet cove 🙂

  8. What precious moments captured, the welcoming of Isaac into your family! The last time I held the floppy wonder of a newborn was eight years ago – it’s been way too long…

    • Maybe Barbara there should be baby holding groups to support new moms and dads whose arms and bodies ache from carrying these little guys around those first few weeks. We are planning our next visit for early October. Will be many changes by then.

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